Jargon Blacklist2

Displaying 61 - 80 of 105 1 2 3 4 5 6
What jargon term annoys you the most? Why?
non compliant

Because what should be written is 'client has difficulties with......' Staff need to write what they mean.

non compliant

Because what should be written is 'client has difficulties with......' Staff need to write what they mean.

People using US slang and spelling

We're in Australia. We were influenced by the UK.

Moving forward

Over used term that i am not sure that everyone understands the meaning. Some might think moving to where?. In work discussion or meetings, it means to move to next topic or item of discussion now without delay.


Not using the CALD acronym shows respect to culturally diverse individuals and communities and gives people and communities agency and appreciates their diversity and positive contributions to society.


Unknown word- new term


Too American


Three Letter Acronym (it's an acronym for all the acronyms!)

Environmental scan

This is used when an organisation researches what's happening in relation to something they are planning something. It sounds like some kind of robot with a laser scanning for something it wants to kill...


Some I don't understand or know about and others need to be called what they are.


Its a weasel word, a mealy-mouthed euphemism for "we stuffed up"
Passive language like that always sends my BS detector meter into a spin


Makes me think of a cob loaf not close of business! Why can't we just say the end of the day or end of the work day

Leaning in

It is supposed to mean that we are working together and supporting one another - why not just say lets work together and be supportive!!!


Because the general community do not understand it, I have heard it used as a substitute as bad eg I have asthma, it's chronic, they don't mean its an ongoing, always there condition, they mean its really bad. And then we here about health professionals, govt talking about chronic conditions - what do they general public think this means - really bad conditions. Oh mine is not that bad...


it dehumanises people


Not something in mainstream use yet


Not even GPs understand the acronym for Alcohol and other drugs. I have seen websites for community health where "AOD programs" is used rather than "Help with drugs and alcohol"


I know it's a common HR term but it sounds too much like waterboarding - a torture technique - for my liking. Can't we use orientation instead?


they wont understand, I too don't understand sometimes


"Gaming" refers to playing games, either online or in real life. It is not "gambling" and should not be used as a weasel word to make gambling seem nicer or less threatening. Especially by governments. "Minister for Gaming"? Really? How about "Minister For Exploitation"?

What jargon term annoys you the most? Why?
Displaying 61 - 80 of 105 1 2 3 4 5 6