Jargon Blacklist2

Displaying 21 - 40 of 99 1 2 3 4 5
What jargon term annoys you the most? Why?

Not using the CALD acronym shows respect to culturally diverse individuals and communities and gives people and communities agency and appreciates their diversity and positive contributions to society.


Aren't we all Culturally and Linguistically Diverse People?

And who isn't the 'CALD' when we are delivering services and what to we call them? What/who is the Mainstream?

It (may) creates an Us and Them binary polarity or opposition.

Capacity Building

Because capacity means take more on, not learn more skills.


We are people first. We are mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, and friends. Caring is a bi-product of our relationship with the person.

CHIP list

no one knows what the exact acronym wording is... but we know it's a patient booked for double-operator complex high risk percutaneous coronary intervention. It just sounds silly!


Because the general community do not understand it, I have heard it used as a substitute as bad eg I have asthma, it's chronic, they don't mean its an ongoing, always there condition, they mean its really bad. And then we here about health professionals, govt talking about chronic conditions - what do they general public think this means - really bad conditions. Oh mine is not that bad...


Makes patients seem like a commercial proposition. Or maybe that's the whole point.


Makes me think of a cob loaf not close of business! Why can't we just say the end of the day or end of the work day


It's just a difficult word to understand.


We should clearly identify who we are talking about, rather than referring to a non-descriptive 'cohort'.


It's disempowering for the person you are working with, it removes choice, and is autocratic. Primary and community health workers are not enforcers and have no reason to use this term.


it dehumanises people


Consumers are people. They don't eat services or clinicians!

What is wrong with calling them people and preferably by their actual name???


Because we are PEOPLE. Consumer gives the idea that I have had a choice in the services I 'consume'. How about 'person', 'people' or 'families' that access our service, or who have a lived experience.


Everything is 'content' now. It's a word which has democratised
all art form. Anything written, painted or composed is 'content'. Shakespeare is content. Da Vinci is content. Mozart is content. Content begone!


A conversation is a discussion between rational people
It’s not a Convo.


All these military terms like DEFCON, HUMINT or CODE ORANGE which have crept into our daily lives need to be banned immediately. In the army they mean something. Running out of crisps is NOT a Code Red situation.

Discharged against medical advice

Judgemental, does not allow for an individual's right to leave hospital, and may have very valid reasons for doing so.

Do some heavy lifting

Pompous and self-indulgent


It literally means back portion of the body. Why not say that instead of dorsal, especially when talking to patients who have never been to medical school? Nobody ever says 'my dorsal is killing me.'

What jargon term annoys you the most? Why?
Displaying 21 - 40 of 99 1 2 3 4 5