Pledge to Drop the Jargon!

Why should I pledge?


6 out of 10 of people in Australia have low health literacy.

Many Australians have trouble understanding and using information provided by organisations. They also have trouble navigating complicated systems like healthcare services.

When we use jargon, technical terms or acronyms, it is hard for people with low health literacy to understand and use information.

Drop the Jargon Day is on Tuesday 22nd October 2024. Pledge and take part in activities at your workplace. Make it easy for people with low health literacy to get better information and outcomes from services they use.

Pledge to Drop the Jargon

  • Use plain language in all communication – with other staff and with clients
  • Not use acronyms
  • Explain medical and other technical terminology
  • Check that information has been understood by your clients
  • Work with a professional interpreter when your clients have low English proficiency
  • Politely point out when your colleagues use jargon

Drop the Jargon

I pledge to Drop the Jargon

I am accepting the challenge to:

  • Use plain language in all communication – with other staff and with clients
  • Not use acronyms
  • Explain medical and other technical terminology
  • Check that information has been understood by my clients
  • Work with a professional interpreter when my clients have low English proficiency
  • Politely point out when my colleagues use jargon

%%your signature%%

124 signatures = 62% of goal

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Drop the Jargon

I pledge to Drop the Jargon

I am accepting the challenge to:

  • Use plain language in all communication – with other staff and with clients
  • Not use acronyms
  • Explain medical and other technical terminology
  • Check that information has been understood by my clients
  • Work with a professional interpreter when my clients have low English proficiency
  • Politely point out when my colleagues use jargon

%%your signature%%

124 signatures = 62% of goal

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